Valentine Doyle
Founding Trustee, Program Officer

Valentine was blessed to grow up with Alice, and live in the richness of her love of nature and of good food and most of all her love of and constant curiosity about people. She was the warmest and most welcoming person Valentine has ever met. Her two deepest concerns, which remain priorities for Foundation, are the continuing degradation of our natural environment and the United State’s ever-increasing racism.
Valentine was the Foundation’s first Program Officer, a role from which she has just retired after twenty-two years. In the course of those years she has learned a great deal about food systems and about environmental justice (and injustice) and the impressive folks who are tackling those issues. The other half of her work is with the Alternatives to Violence Project, which works in prisons and in the community to learn ways of dealing with conflict without violence and of dealing with people in a respectful and receptive way.